How do I add equipment and allocate it to my team members?


Last Update 6 months ago

Some of the services you provide may require specific equipment or room, and you'll want to make sure that your equipment never get double booked. To prevent double-booking, you can create and allocate your equipment to specific services.

  1. Go to Database items and select Equipment.
  2. If you have multiple locations, choose which location this resource is located at from the dropdown.
  3. Click Create Equipment
  4. Add your equipment Name, for example, Laser machine A100 and Description.
  5. Set the Regular work schedule for your equipment
  6. Save changes.

Allocate equipment to services

Once your equipment has been added, you'll need to allocate them to services. This means that when that service is booked, the equipment will automatically be assigned to the appointment.

To allocate a resource to a service:

  1. Go to Services and select the services you’d like to allocate this equipment to.
  2. Scroll down to Resources and use the drop-down menu to choose the equipment required for the service.
  3. Click to add equipment you’d like to assign to the service.
  4. Save changes. 

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