Why are my appointments or clients missing?


Last Update één jaar geleden

If you're logged in to your account but can’t see your appointments, clients, or services, there are a couple of things we’d recommend checking:

Check your email - If you have more than one YAMPOS account or someone else has used your device to log in, double-check the email you’re using is correct. You can check which email you are currently using under your profile Settings.

Check your browser - You might be using a web browser or operating system that is no longer supported. It’s worth making sure the browser you’re using is supported and your operating system is up-to-date. Click here for more information about what browsers we support. YAMPOS fully supports on Google Chrome web browser. 

If you’re still having trouble accessing your appointments and contacts, get in touch at [email protected] with your full name, business name, and any emails you might have used and we can look into this further for you.

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