How do I create user logins and team permissions?


Last Update 1 年前

As the account owner, you can enable and control login access for all team members.

When adding team members, you can set their permissions based on the level of access you’d like them to have. Once your user permissions have been set, you’ll want to define what each of the permission levels gives them access to.

Define your permission levels

  1. Go to the Staff list and select Access rights.
  2. Review and adjust permission levels according to the needs of you and your team members.
  3. Save your changes.

Access Rights to the app Yampos Terminal:

 - Allow access to the section "Booking"

 - Allow access to a section of "Receipts"

 - Allow access to edit "Schedule" in the section "Profile"

 - Allow access to edit prices in the "Services"

 - Allow access to edit booking appointments

 - Allow access to "cashier shifts"

 - Allow to work with "cashier shifts"

 - Allow editing the receipt amount in the app

Access Rights to the administration panel (web browser) Yampos:
  1. Go to the Staff positions and select the position you`d like to manage
  2. Choose and click which part of the admin panel you`d like to give access

- Appointments

- Reports

- Finance

- Database items

- Stock inventory

- Marketing

- Positions & locations

- Settings
3. Click save

Owner (by default) has access to all sections

NOTE: If you have multiple locations, you can assign to depending on their user permissions under Locations.

NOTE: team who have access to the Team members and Permission Levels tabs can grant access to other users.

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